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Création :

Nous créons des concepts déco adaptés aux cahiers des charges de nos clients.
Idée générale, planche d’ambiance, rendus 3D et plans détaillés de chaque projet.

Notre expérience nous permet également d’agencer au mieux les environnements pour une circulation fluide et respectant les normes d’accessibilité aux Personnes à Mobilité Réduite (PMR).

L’écoute, la connaissance de produits innovants et le sens de l’esthétisme nous permettent aussi de concevoir du mobilier ponctuel pour de multiples enseignes.


#1 Design office

Postforming Industrie has upgraded its design office in order to adapt to each project.


Research and development:

We are constantly on the look for new techniques, new products and materials that are ever more ecological and efficient in order to give ourselves the instruments to innovate continuously.

We develop products or concepts in collaboration with designers and seek economical and technical solutions to meet the expectations of the designers. We work in partnership with them to combine  aesthetics of the projects with the technical and budgetary restraints.


Technical :

We produce all the 2D (AutoCad) or 3D (SolidWorks) technical drawings for the manufacturing. Choice of materials and hardware, construction directions, ease of installation on site : all the details are studied and under consideration during this step.

We also program the machines using softwares. We do site measurements on every project before any further work and we keep track of them and save records.

Creativity :

We create decorative concepts adapted to our customers’ general specifications. We create the overall idea, a mood board (ambiance board), 3D renderings and detailed plans for each project. Our experience also allows us to optimise the organization of the space for a smooth traffic flow while reaching the accessibility criteria for persons with reduced mobility (PRM).

The listening, the knowledge of innovative products and the aesthetics feels also allow us to ponctually design furniture for many brands.


Infographics :

We create realistic photographic renders in order to introduce and present our decorative concepts and help our customers to visualize their internal arrangement projects within their settups and environment.

We work with image files to incorporate decorative laminated visuals onto wall panels or directly onto the furniture (for example, onto tables).

Capture d’écran 2023-08-25 à 15.19.16.png

Creation of Administrative files :

We set up all the administrative documents in order to obtain the mandatory authorization for the making of the projects relating to Public Access Buildings, such as restaurants, hotels, shops, shopping malls, hairdressers etc. and we carry out the follow-up of the administrative files.

In particular, we have a good understanding of PRM (Person with Reduced Mobility) accessibility rules, unavoidable today to be in accordance with the law on many projects.

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